Page 10 - Tales Apocalyptic and Dystopian
P. 10

The Stars Impel

        is easily predictable, and I do not wish to be the bearer of bad tidings.
        Further,  I  do  not  believe  in  the  simple-minded  microcosm-
        macrocosm correspondence at the foundation of divinatory theories.
        As the old-time astrologers used to say, ‘the stars impel, they do not
        compel’. I hope I’m making myself clear, ladies: truth will be as I see
        it. The fee will be ten ampules of morphine. In advance.”
          Minu  Savelo,  like  her  companion,  showed  no  surprise  at  these
        remarks. Without removing her attention from scanners and sensors,
        Minu removed a package from her kit and passed it over the counter.
        Yarsis switched off the ComPort image and placed the drugs on the
          “We brought fifty. You may have them all.”
          The  astrologer  examined  the  payment,  and  then  slid  it  into  a
        drawer.  “All right. I have an idea why you’re here, but you might as
        well state your case in your own words.”
          Yarsis returned to her console. “The facts are these,” she intoned
        evenly.  “The  second  and  third  generations  on  Eufloria  have
        appeared,  increasing  the  population  to  its  present  three  hundred
        twenty-four. Given the genetic make-up of the first generation, the
        Agency was fairly certain that all its desired traits would be passed on;
        and, in fact, no hidden recessive genes or significant mutations have
        been found in the DNA of the descendants of that original breeding
          “But.” said Jay Trovu.
          “But  those  descendants,  natives  of  Eufloria,  are  exhibiting
        personality types and behavior traits the Agency neither anticipated
        nor particularly desires. The uniform suitability of the population no
        longer  exists.  Some  people  are  committing  what  can  only  be
        described  as  crimes,  for  no  apparent  purpose.  Others  are  forming
        organizations  whose  goals  have  no  function,  and  use  up  valuable
        resources.  This  deviance  has,  in  turn,  forced  changes  upon  the
        remaining  percentage  of  people  still  within  our  parameters  of
        normalcy. In sum, the emergence of unpredictable human variation
        has threatened the future of the colonization program.”
          She paused for instant, frowning.
          “Needless to say, the Agency has applied every scientific technique
        at  its  disposal  to  solve  this  problem.  Environmental  factors  on
        Eufloria  have  been  reconsidered,  to  no  avail.  The  biomathematics

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