Page 39 - Tales Apocalyptic and Dystopian
P. 39

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        to the era of peace and prosperity we now enjoy.  Hierocommand,
        unifying  all  prior  centers  and  levels  of  authority,  both  secular  and
        profane, military and civil, economic and moral, is responsible for the
        maintenance of this order.”
          Thea  nodded.  History  was  such  a  simple  subject:  she  had
        memorized  the  few  events  of  significance  and  given  them  little
        thought since early childhood.
          “You  are  being  inducted  into  the  mysteries  of  Hierocommand,
        young woman.” The old man’s voice broke into her thoughts. “That
        means you  will  become a hierocom yourself, subject to the  special
        ecclesiastical laws of Hierocommand. There is no turning back, once
        you have received the call. Do you understand?”
          “Yes.” She would never see her home and family and friends again.
        Hierocoms lived apart, above, beyond.
          “The particular secret which you will share with very few others is
        that  of  the  technophants.  When  computers  give  false  answers  or
        airplanes  will  not  leave  the  ground,  hierocoms  fix  them.  The
        knowledge for doing so was well-established at the beginning of our
        era, and we have maintained it scrupulously in our archives. We do
        not allow our citizens to experiment with any of these machines or
        the principles animating them, of course: that would lead to another
        dark  age  of  godless  materialism  and  destructive  egotism.  The
        populace  goes  about  its  affairs  confident  in  the  knowledge  that
        Hierocommand will keep the system going. Unfortunately, it is in the
        nature  of  complex  technologies  not  to  manifest  every  possible
        problem  at  their  inception.  Despite  our  generations  of  familiarity
        with  all  the  wonderful  labor-saving  devices  we  take  for  granted,
        malfunctions can occur for which the archives have no solution. It is
        then that we require the assistance of one of those dangerous minds
        capable  of  seeing  things  from  a  different  perspective,  trained  in
        trouble-shooting as well as schooled in the prohibited methodology
        of  science.  But  persons  of  those  qualifications  no  longer  walk  the
        face of the earth.”
          Thea was shocked. Her world suddenly rocked on its foundations.
        She,  like  everyone  else,  had  assumed  the  hierocoms  could  fix
          “Given this circumstance, one could predict that our society would
        have  collapsed  years  ago;  the  sorts  of  breakdown  we  encounter

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