Page 50 - Tales Apocalyptic and Dystopian
P. 50

Into the Tempifuge

        noticeable  effect  on  the  known  future.  You  can  be  a  face  in  the
        crowd,  a  mouth  in  the  trough,  a  witness  never  called  to  testify.
        Pitfalls may await you; you could accidentally stumble into a situation
        of  importance  which  your  presence  would  affect.  If  that  happens,
        you could die instantly, struck down by a bolt of lightning, a heart
        attack,  a  runaway  vehicle.  Again,  you  must  depend  on  your
        accumulated historical knowledge to avoid such circumstances.”
          Underwood  nodded  absently,  his  mind  already  wandering  to  the
        prospects before him. The colonel helped him change into a costume
        of  the  period;  the  fabrics  and  dyes,  the  originals  of  which  had
        become unavailable, were close enough to fool the casual observer.
          Then John Smith unlocked the door and the four men walked into
        the room containing the Tempifuge. After giving instructions for the
        disposition  of  his  property,  Barry  Underwood  entered  the  time
        machine. Dr. Delirian manipulated its controls, and the historian was
        abruptly replaced by an equivalent mass of sand and gravel.
          “He’s behind a hill just outside Shivalingam’s town,” said Delirian.
        He pushed a button and the ancient soil was instantly sterilized by a
        beam of light. “Now let’s open the Package.”
          The three men advanced through another series of security doors
        to a small chamber. The time capsule sat on a table, a squat cylinder
        cushioned  and  strapped  to  an  anchor  pad.  An  inscription  in  Old
        American on its lid stated “Do not open until 2240: will explode if
        tampered with.”
          Colonel  Cruz  and  John  Smith  stood  back  while  Dr.  Delirian
        donned  protective  gear  and  sliced  off  the  lid  with  a  beamblade.
        Nothing happened; the Package had been defused by Underwood.
           John Smith rushed forward. “Well? Are the plans in there?”
          Delirian  reached  into  the  capsule  and  retrieved  a single  sheet  of
        yellowed paper. He handed it to Smith.
          “Out with it, man!” shouted the Colonel. “What does it say?”
          Smith shook his head. “We did not know enough about the past,”
        he  said.  “Our  ignorance  of  it  was  necessary  in  order  to  make  this
        attempt  at  all,  but  that  same  ignorance  left  us  at  the  mercy  of  a
        million influences we could not allow for. Listen to this:”
          “‘My dear Mr. Smith, Dr. Delirian, and Colonel Cruz: I have been
        kind  enough  to  spare  you  the  effects  of  the  incendiary  device  Dr.
        Shivalingam had planted in this container. I have also found it within

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