Page 67 - Tales Apocalyptic and Dystopian
P. 67
Minutes of the Posterity Planning Commission
(Fantastic Transactions 3, 2006)
February 27, 2—-, in the Kalakalai Cultural Center Gift Shop office
Mr. Fermaka Norse (chairman)
Dr. Dudrop Hagalian (guest speaker)
Mr. Payton Lederer (Kalamoku Chamber of Commerce)
Mr. Alsaki Tualayu (Manapua)
Mr. Harvey Frederick (Lua Ku’ono councilman)
Miss Chaluniko Norse (recording secretary)
The chairman opened the inaugural meeting of the commission with
a benediction and traditional libation. There was no old business. He
then made a short speech, recreated here from his notes:
“Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to attend
this meeting. This is not a group of individuals one normally finds
voluntarily assembled on Kalamoku, and I appreciate the good will
you have demonstrated by coming here tonight. Friction between the
merchant community and indigenous Kalamoki has been on the
increase of late, and many suggestions have been made to reduce
those tensions and the threat they pose to the peace and prosperity of
this island. I have nothing directly to offer in that regard. It may well
be that the conflict has no direct resolution. Tourists support our
economy. They come both for the exotic geography and the
romanticized version of Kalamoku culture fostered by mainland
media and the commercial enterprises serving those visitors. That is a
fact. It is also a fact that the presence of mainlanders, tourists and
business people alike, exert an erosive pressure on the traditional way
of life drawing them here in the first place. Our local government has
tried to strike a balance between these interests, with an eye toward
maintaining the health and happiness of all parties as we proceed into
the new millennium.”