Page 18 - Tales the Maggid Never Told Me
P. 18

Madagascar Madness

        but the Nazis were looking for a way to deport the Jews of Europe to
        another country in the Thirties.”
          “No, I never knew that. If it wasn’t in the newspapers or on the
        radio when I was a kid, then I wouldn’t have heard about it.”
          “Well, word of it reached this place without benefit of those organs
        of  officially-sanctioned  information,  primarily  because  Madagascar
        was one of the proposed recipients of that vast Jewish population.
        Apparently the Zionists themselves, as well as the anti-Semites, had
        been searching for such a solution to the failure of most European
        countries  to  integrate  their  Jewish  inhabitants—I  cannot  say,
        citizens—into  societies  too  easily  swayed  by  ethnic  rivalry  and
        scapegoating by religious and political leaders. And the Jews who had
        been successful were often wealthy: thus the transport of millions of
        men, women and children to some distant exile could be financed by
        confiscating their property. In 1940 France was defeated, her colonies
        controlled  by Vichy, and the  Madagascar Plan reached the  desk  of
        high Nazi officials in Berlin.”
          Seidell’s eyes widened. “Wow!”
          “Indeed, my friend: ‘wow!’” Weiss managed a wan smile. “Would it
        have worked? Could the transplantation of European Jewry to this
        backward  island  have  been  the  answer,  a  new  beginning  for  an
        ancient people? Would they have used their skills and intelligence to
        transform  Madagascar  into  a  modern  nation,  integrating  with  the
        local population in a partnership of self-interest? We’ll never know,
        because in 1942, Britain fought a naval battle here, landed troops and
        defeated Vichy. The Free French took over, and the Madagascar Plan
        was  abandoned.  News  from  Europe  became  spotty—but  now  you
        have  confirmed  the  result:  instead  of  transporting  Jews  they
        murdered  them.  It  was  madness  to  hope  that  salvation  and  refuge
        could be found here for our people. Madness.”
          “But you, sir: what did you do when Vichy took over?”
          “I left this place and joined guerillas deep in the forest. It was there
        I contracted malaria. It went untreated, of course. I am dying. That is
        why I will not be traveling back to the States with you, young man.
        There  will  be  no  antidote  in  my  final  chapter.  Leave  me  here,  in
        peace, with my secrets.”

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