Page 3 - Tales the Maggid Never Told Me
P. 3

Alternate Hollywood

          The actor pouted. “Like what, for instance?”
          “All  right.  The  scene  we’re  doing  right  now.  It’s  Hannah’s
        wedding,  and  her  father  rejected  you  in  favor  of  the  son  of  that
        dishonest  dealer  in  shabbes  candles.  You’re  putting  on  a  brave
        front,  right?  And  when  the  musicians  come  in,  you  give  the
        fiddler money and yell what?”
          “‘It’s time to have a narghila!’ I know my lines.”
             The  veteran  film-maker  shook  his  head  sadly.  “No,  that’s  not
        quite right, Bernie. Yossele does not want to drown his sorrows in
        hashish. He wants to dance. It’s ‘hava nagila.’”
             “So  what?  So  my  grandparents  came  from  a  different  part  of
        Europe  than  you’re  used  to  hearing.  You’re  not  giving  me  a  hard
        time just because of my accent, are you?”
           “No,  it’s  not  just  that.  Yesterday,  in  the  scene  where  the
        Polish  Catholic  servant  knocks  over  the  pot  of  borscht,  you  were
        supposed to show real anger, really tell him off.”
          Bernie  frowned.  “Well,  didn’t  I?  I  thought  I  did  a  good  job  of
        scaring old Shlep ‘n’ Borchet. It looked like his eyes were going to
        pop out of his head when I got through screaming at him.”
          “Yeah,  you  screamed  at  that  old  bohunk,  all  right.  But  you
        didn’t talk with your hands. You just balled up your fists as if you
        were about to slug him.”
          “So? That’s realistic, isn’t it?”
             “Perhaps;  but  it’s  not  Jewish  enough.”  There,  thought  B.  J.
        I’ve said it. Now to let him go through his number.
          “Not  Jewish  enough!  What  the  hell  do  you  mean  by  that?  You
        goddamn cracker: what do you know about being Jewish?”
          Cochran  raised  his  hands  in  the  universal  gesture  of  placation.
        “Now don’t go flying off the handle, son. You’ve done a pretty good
        job  in  action-adventure  films  like  ‘Accountants  Overboard’  and
        ‘Moyels in Love’, where physical comedy and a good tailor got you a
        big following, and the best plastic surgeon in town gave you the kind
        of  profile  fifty  million  Jewish  teen-age  girls  swoon  over.  But
        something in your past is interfering with this film, and it’s got to be
        straightened out.”
          Bernie looked around furtively. The stuffing had gone out of him.
        “What? What about my past, B. J.?”

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