Page 136 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 136


          breakthrough into losing the last bonds of restraint on their violent
          tendencies.  I  intend  to  build  on  that  possibility.  Suppose  another
          such purely academic experimentation were done to see how much
          money a person might take  to commit murder? I’d call  the  story
          “Kill  for  Gold”.  In  my  version,  one  of  the  volunteer  student
          subjects  is  inspired  to  make  a  career  change,  and  become  an
          assassin for hire. Or the university’s computers are hacked, and the
          data  is  stolen  by  persons  unknown:  the  thieves  would  have  a
          guideline,  a  price  chart,  if  you  will,  for  contract  killings.  I  don’t
          know the next step in this narrative—at least widespread terror if
          the research and its theft become public knowledge. Okay, last call
          for inspirations-in-progress.”
            Nothing was heard but the scraping of chairs and gathering of
          personal belonging.
            “Then that does it for tonight,” said Fred Feghootsky, yawning.
          “Perhaps something said tonight will stimulate one or more of us to
          bring our work to fruition. And our number may be reduced if that
          effort is accepted for publication. I fervently wish that it will be one
          of mine. Frankly, I am between a rock and a hard place, stuck as the
          chairperson of this assemblage unless I succeed or choose to give
          up your critical camaraderie and go it alone. Now, I’m sure Hugo
          would like to go home.  If I had a gavel, I’d rap it. I will let you
          know the date of our next meeting: for now, Maxwell’s Daemons
          stands adjourned.”

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