Page 19 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 19

Shangri-la South

        the spurious idea that the physical breakdown of aging is simply a
        disease—rather  than  the  verifiable  evolutionary  advantage  of
        generations  dying  off  in  order  to  allow  for  adaptive  change.  To
        contravene that is the fantasy of the wealthy: to live forever, and
        live  in the full bloom of  youth learning  whatever is new, thereby
        defeating Darwin and Lamarck in one blow.”
          “Now  I  will  blend  fact  and  fiction,  producing  a  reasonable
        exaggeration.  The  plutocrats  already  spend  vast  sums  on  health
        resorts, plastic surgery and exotic serums and extracts. They need to
        associate with each other; this has always been the case, but now
        they can isolate themselves to an unparalleled degree with electronic
        security and encrypted communications. The perception of the rich
        living in their own little world has never been more accurate. Some
        of them seek an off-world existence, abandoning a planet they have
        desecrated for an illusory colonization of other planets: a staple of
        science-fiction well-known to you all. But that is really a waste of
        time  and  resources,  neither  of  which  will  suffice  to  save  anyone
        from life and death down here.”
          “Rather, a group of these multi-billionaires will use their money
        to create Shangri-la, in a hidden mountain valley in the Andes. My
        fantasy will be that they can afford whatever they think is necessary
        to weather the coming ecological and political disaster; their fantasy
        will  be  the  hubris  of  setting  themselves  up  like  gods  on  Mount
        Olympus. They will believe that their isolated utopia is justifiable as
        an ark, weathering the storm on Gaia and landing safely on Ararat
        when the waters recede.”
          “I have a cast of characters lined up. Hierarchy is inevitable; so
        are all the petty problems of people on a ship of fools. Once sealed
        off from the outside world, they will have to keep their society and
        technology from running aground. This is not a new plot; only the
        circumstances, reflecting our current crises, can claim novelty. I can
        think of a few ways for Shangri-la South to come undone, any or all
        of them satisfying to a readership coming to the story with plenty of
        resentment as well as envy of the high and mighty. Yes, I believe
        schadenfreude sells!”
          “Well, what have you in mind?” asked Perversity Tinderstack.

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