Page 52 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 52

The Element of Surprise

            “That  element  would  be  number  126.  Unfortunately,  the
          language used by physicists can be misinterpreted by laypeople. The
          element  numbers  with  those  completed  nucleon  shells  are  called
          ‘magic  numbers’,  perhaps  humorously.  126,  when  and  if  its
          existence is confirmed, already has a temporary name, unbihexium
          or Ubh; that would be changed by convention to a permanent name
          bestowed  by  its  creator—it  almost  certainly  does  not  occur  in
          nature.  This  much  is  fact.  The  properties  of  Ubh  are  pure
          conjecture—fair game for science fiction before the fact, and raw
          meat, perhaps, for pseudoscience after. So, here we are in the lab
          with  our  dedicated  team  of  scientists.  I  suppose  I  should  make
          them Americans, although other nations are working harder right
          now to make that Nobel Prize-winning announcement.”
            “Okay, back to the real crux of this story, a surprising sort of
          stability in Ubh, one that will open the door to bizarre conclusions
          by the spiritual types always keen to find a chink in the armor of
          empiricism and discover what the lab-coat guys have been ignoring
          or trying to deny. Quanta and quarks had a superficial appeal for a
          while,  as  did  the  poorly  named  uncertainty  principle  and  God
          particle. Now the news comes that the Vulcan Institute is on the
          verge  of  making  Ubh  a  reality.  Then  nothing  more.  No  one  can
          reach  the  scientists  working  there.  The  government  sets  up
          roadblocks  and  cordons  off  a  large  area  around  Vulcan.  This
          stimulates the wildest speculation in the press and among the usual
          conspiracy theorists. But what has happened?”
            “Okay,  Leith.”  said  Fred,  with  some  exasperation.  “Are  we
          supposed to guess at the main dramatic situation in your story, as
          well as its resolution?”
            “I’m  afraid  so.  As  I  said,  this  is  in  the  earliest  stages  of
          development. I think I’ve laid the groundwork for a science versus
          mysticism parable.”
            “Really, Leith!” Hydrargyrum scowled. “Aren’t you asking a bit
          much of us? We’ve barely had time to digest your hypotheses.”
            He shrugged.
            “Well, if inspiration doesn’t strike, so be it.”

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