Page 90 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 90

The Mother Ship is Real!

          to  cats,  factual  or  fictional—your  precious  Puss  or  Schrödinger’s
          imaginary stray in his quantum death chamber—is no stimulus to
          inspiration for me.”
            “Thank  you,”  said  Fred  drily.  “That  well  may  be  the  crux:
          without the mother ship, cats could run wild. A sad ending, and not
          all that exciting. What humans do in response to learning about the
          situation is more interesting and what I should probably pursue.”
            Rutger Schlager looked like he was formulating final battle plans
          for a war to the finish between species, but Cyril Kornfleck spoke
          up first.
            “It seems to me  that every scientist not already  working for a
          private  company  or  a  government  agency  is  nevertheless  always
          being watched by  those other institutions for research topics and
          results that could have commercial or military applications. In this
          case,  as  you  described  it,  Fred,  information  from  several
          disciplines—animal  behavior,  neurology,  physics  and  astronomy
          would have to be  pulled together to make  a case for the  mother
          ship’s existence. In other words, it would take a generalist outside
          those  fields  to  do  that,  and  that  person  would  come  to  their
          conclusions  either  accidentally  or  because  they  were  looking  for
          such proof. Who could that be? It would be someone outside the
          purview  of  both  academia  and  the  military-industrial  complex.  In
          other words, an independent researcher. Such people have trouble
          being heard. So, there’s your protagonist: what will happen when he
          or she tries to interest the authorities about the discovery?”
            “All  the  usual  plots  are  available,”  said  Hydrargyrum  Diggers.
          “First thing: decide on the general plan: any hidden knowledge is
          power,  therefore  has  potential  for  good  or  evil.  Good  would  be
          exploitation of invisible orbital platforms for all sorts of uses. The
          sky is already clogged with space junk making astronomy difficult.
          Evil would be appropriating the ancient feline technology to build
          new and nastier weaponry. Then you have to decide who is going to
          triumph  and  who  is  going  to  be  thwarted,  and  how.  That  would
          wrap it up in a fashion both recognizable by and acceptable to our
          average reader.”

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