Page 202 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 202
Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
light flashed, and the inner door opened and closed. Kaga peeped out
from behind the prop and whispered, “Okay, Lugo: let’s wait a couple
of seconds and go in. Turn on your recorder.”
They crept up to the inner door and stopped, listening to the sounds
within. A faint tearing noise could be heard. Kaga suddenly pushed
open the door and strode into the habitat, Lugo close on his heels.
“Good evening, Doctor,” said Captain Kaga through his Languex.
“You know, Commander Quex really did destroy it. You’re wasting
your time.”
The emissary of Drast looked up, startled. All six of his tentacles
had been busily ripping the battered sonopor plant to tiny shreds. He
immediately stopped this activity and began to wobble from side to
side, uncertain of which way to run. Finally Dr. Too-Rasoo righted
himself, and gazed from Kaga to Lugo. Then he spoke.
“Hello. I seem to have gotten into the wrong room by accident.
This purple stuff got all over my limbs somehow, and I was just trying
to clean myself up when you came in. Perhaps you can show me
where my room is; I get so disoriented in this environment.”
“Doctor,” said Kaga, “there’s no need to continue this pretense.
Commander Quex has confessed to his part in this affair. We know
that he set up the gravity control knob for you last night. Your
presence here merely confirms what he told us: you killed Bulakko.”
At these words, the emissary let out a loud howl and shot off
toward the door. His attention was unfocussed, however, and he ran
full force into a Tzigian tree. He fell back and staggered around the
“Doctor,” said Kaga, “you may not be familiar with intergalactic law
in a case like this. The PKU, at its own discretion, may imprison you
here, or send you to Tzigi to be dealt with by Bulakko’s government.
If you cooperate, we will make it as easy as possible for you.
Otherwise…” he left the sentence dangling.
Dr. Too-Rasoo stopped gyrating. The expression on his face was
unreadable by human eyes. He said, “All right. I’ll confess—but not in
detail now, please. I’ll talk in the morning. I’m having trouble from
two nights of abnormal pressurization. Just let me go back to my own
room now.”
Kaga and Lugo let him pass, then followed him out of the anteroom
down the hall to his quarters. After the Drastian had gone inside, the