Page 5 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 5


          Knowing the climate of opinion prevailing in those countries, one
        can  state  that  widespread  alarm  would  not  ordinarily  have  been
        conducive  to  the  consolidation  of  Earth’s  armed  forces  into  one
        multi-national  entity.  But  Waderski’s  carefully  timed  and  placed
        proclamations and predictions finally took effect, not long before a
        supposed deadline to meet the external threat arrived.
          Under the banner of the United Nations, a previously feeble forum
        for  diplomatic  oratory,  the  stockpiles  of  fission  and  fusion  bombs
        were mobilized. Missiles were launched day and night for a week at
        the computed positons of the rapidly closing invaders; none of them
        could be seen directly, for they kept themselves shielded by the solar
          The  result,  of  course,  was  the  disposal  of  every  nuclear  weapon
        into the sun. The rigged reports were of success after success: Earth
        had totally destroyed the enemy. It was not until a century later that
        local  measurements  of  background  radiation  in  the  alleged
        battlespace revealed the absence of any nuclear explosions.
          In the period of celebration following the victory, the now unified
        world  military  moved  swiftly  and  quietly  to  entrench  its  position.
        Waderski probably foresaw the psychological reaction resulting from
        an  overnight  loss  of  absolute  national  sovereignty.  Once  again  his
        organs  of  publicity  went  into  action,  promoting  the  benefits  of
        international  citizenship  and  the  end  of  the  danger  of  mutual
        annihilation. Despite a few riots, the new order prevailed.
          National borders were frozen and all pending disputes terminated
        rapidly  by  the  UN  forces.  An  elaborate  cybernetic  model  of  the
        planet’s  economy  was  created,  easing  the  transition  to  global
        management  of  resources  and  production.  And,  as  Waderski  had
        intended, biomedical research soon began advancing at an accelerated
        pace,  owing  to  the  dissolution  of  political  boundaries  and  the
        increased allotment of funds.
          Cancer  of  all  types  was  eliminated  from  the  roster  of  human
        scourges  with  the  development  in  2007  of  genetic  reprogramming.
        Armando  Waderski,  unfortunately,  was  buried  in  2005,  his  role  in
        altering the course of history unknown to all but a handful of persons
        unwilling to divulge it.
          The twenty-first century  is generally  characterized as a period of
        reconstruction in almost every sphere of earthly affairs. The military
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