Page 6 - The Tree Book
P. 6
flowers and pollen
Most flowers have two parts – female and male. The female part makes tiny eggs and the male part makes pollen. The pollen and the eggs from different flowers join up so the eggs can ripen into seeds. This is called fertilisation.
In spring, a tree spreads its pollen from flower to flower so that new trees can grow.
Catkins are long, drooping flowers
Some trees have tiny flowers and their pollen is blown on the wind. Some trees have large, pretty flowers, which attract insects.
1. Flowers
Flowers sometimes smell sweet so they attract more hungry bees
Bees visit flowers to drink their sweet liquid, called nectar. The pollen inside the flower rubs off on the fuzzy body of the bee, which then rubs off and fertilises the next flower the bee visits.
This means that the tree can now grow seeds.