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P. 20

     Recipe for Lovely Lentils
There is nothing like sitting down to a big bowl of warming winter soup – especially if you’ve just come in from a long, blustery walk in the woods! You’ll need an adult to help with this recipe.
You will need:
Sharp knife Chopping board Large saucepan with lid Wooden spoon Garlic press Kettle Measuring jug
1 large white onion 1 carrot
2 sticks celery
1 tablespoon of cooking oil
1 teaspoon of ground cumin or curry powder (optional)
Garlic clove
500 g dried red lentils
1 l boiling water Vegetable stock cubes or powder (to make 1 l) 1 tin chopped tomatoes Salt and pepper
1⁄2 tin coconut milk (optional)
1 packet washed spinach (optional) Full-fat Greek yoghurt (optional)
1 Ask an adult to help you chop the onion, carrot and celery into small chunks.
2 Pour the oil into the saucepan and warm over a medium heat on the stove.
3 Carefully tip the chopped vegetables into the pan and stir with the wooden spoon. Add the cumin or curry powder if you like a spicy flavour.
4 Peel and crush the garlic, then add it to the saucepan and stir for about 5 minutes, until the vegetables are soft.
5 Add the lentils and stir until they are coated in the cooked vegetables.
6 Put the vegetable stock cubes or powder into the measuring jug. Boil the kettle, then carefully pour the boiling water into the jug. Stir and add the stock to the saucepan.
7 Put the lid on the saucepan and leave to simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils have puffed up and look soft.
8 Add the tin of tomatoes, and 1⁄2 tin of coconut milk if you like, and stir until warmed through.
9 Add salt and pepper.
10 Pour into bowls and add a spoonful
of Greek yoghurt and a handful of fresh spinach on top if you like. Serve with warm, crusty bread.

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