Page 23 - Zoe's Rescue Zoo_The Rowdy Red Panda
P. 23

 white instead of black and white.And the red panda’s body was a lot smaller than
a panda bear’s, and a different shape. She was more like a cat than a bear, with a long fluffy tail.“Where’s she from?”
“Well, originally, she’s all the way from the Himalayan mountains in Asia,” said Great-Uncle Horace.
“Wow!” exclaimed Sam.“That’s really far away!”
“But you haven’t been gone long,” Zoe said.“Certainly not long enough to go all the way to Asia!”
“That’s right,” explained Great-Uncle Horace.“This little one was actually in a zoo nearby that’s closing down. She’s been living there so long that she wouldn’t be able to fend for herself in the wild, so she needs a new home. Luckily, she seems to
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