Page 24 - Zoe's Rescue Zoo_The Rowdy Red Panda
P. 24

  like being around people!” He chuckled as the red panda waved her front paws and hooted at the crowd.
“It’s like she’s saying hello to us,”Willow giggled.
Zoe grinned. If only Willow knew that was exactly what the red panda was saying! Zoe couldn’t wait to be alone with her, so she could talk to the red panda properly.
Zoe’s mum, Lucy, came walking over with Auntie Laura.
“Hi, Zoe!” Auntie Laura gave her a big hug while Lucy greeted the twins.
“Lucy, please could you give her a quick check-up?” Great-Uncle Horace asked, holding up the red panda.
Lucy smiled.“Of course!” She peeked into the red panda’s eyes and ears and
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