Page 31 - Zoe's Rescue Zoo_The Rowdy Red Panda
P. 31

 Ruby wrapped her long tail around her body and chattered excitedly.
“She says her fluffy tail keeps her nice and warm,” laughed Zoe.
“Hmm...” Meep looked at his own tail, which was a lot thinner and less fluffy. “I’m not sure my tail would keep me very warm.”
“No, but I can.” Zoe picked Meep up and tucked him back inside her coat.
Ruby scampered over to the trees and back again, all the time squeaking excitedly.
“You’re in my Great-Uncle Horace’s Rescue Zoo,” explained Zoe.“He’s rescued animals from all over the world so you’re going to make lots of friends here.”
Ruby scampered over to the enclosure fence and looked out.Then she came
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