Page 33 - Zoe's Rescue Zoo_The Rowdy Red Panda
P. 33

 Zoe took Ruby back over to Great- Uncle Horace and Stephanie.
“It looks as if you’ve made a good friend,” chuckled Great-Uncle Horace when he saw Ruby snuggled up in Zoe’s arms.
“I have. Her name’s Ruby,” replied Zoe. “What a nice name,” said Stephanie. “Yes, Zoe always seems to pick just the
right names for our animals,” said Great- Uncle Horace.
Zoe smiled. If only he knew. She didn’t often choose the names at all! The animals usually just told her what they were called when they arrived.
“Please can I show Ruby some of the zoo?” she asked.“I think she’d like to make some friends here to make her feel more at home.”
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