Page 34 - Zoe's Rescue Zoo_The Rowdy Red Panda
P. 34

  “I don’t see why not,” replied Great- Uncle Horace.“But keep a tight hold on her. She does like to wriggle!”
“I will.”
Zoe made her way over to the enclosure
gate and opened it with the silver paw- print pendant around her neck.The pendant had been a gift from Great- Uncle Horace and it opened all of the enclosures in the zoo.
Ruby squeaked so loudly that she made Zoe and Meep jump.
“I know you’re excited to see the other animals but you don’t need to be so loud about it,” Zoe giggled.
“Over there are the penguins,” Zoe said, pointing to the lagoon as they made their way outside.
Ruby’s ears pricked up and her whiskers
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