Page 104 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 104

     Recipe for Easy Blackcurrant Cheesecake This easy, delicious dessert can be kept in
the fridge one or two days before serving.
   You will need:
Medium saucepan Food processor
2 small saucepans 23 cm springform cake tin, greased Metal spoon
Pyrex or heatproof bowl
Mixing bowl Wooden spoon Whisk
300 g blackcurrants 2 tablespoons of blackcurrant jam
5 tablespoons of caster sugar
250 g digestive biscuits
100 g butter
300 g white chocolate 250 g mascarpone 250 g cream cheese 300 ml double cream
If you have a microwave, you can use that to melt the white chocolate
instead of step 6.
1 Put the blackcurrants, jam and sugar into the medium saucepan and heat gently on the stove until they go syrupy. Remove from the heat and set aside.
2 Whizz the biscuits in the food processor until you make fine crumbs.
3 Melt the butter on a low heat in a small saucepan.
4 Mix the biscuit crumbs into the melted butter and pour the mixture into the greased cake tin, patting it down with the metal spoon to make a smooth base layer.
5 Fill a small saucepan with water and bring it to simmering point on a medium heat.
6 Break the white chocolate into squares, put them in the Pyrex or heatproof bowl, then carefully put this over the simmering water until the chocolate has melted.
7 In the mixing bowl, beat together the mascarpone, cream cheese and double cream with the wooden spoon until smooth, then whisk in the melted white chocolate.
8 Take half of the blackcurrant mixture and fold it in gently with a wooden spoon until the white mixture is streaked with purple.
9 Pour this on to the biscuit base and put the cake into the fridge. Leave for 3–4 hours. 10 Take the cake out of the tin and put it on
a plate. Pour over the remaining blackcurrant mixture to serve.

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