Page 103 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 103

     There are lots of jobs to do now that the weather is warmer. The most important job you can help with is watering the plants
if there hasn’t been enough rain. It is always best to do the watering in the evening because if the day gets hot, the water can evaporate too quickly and
the poor plants can get burnt. Tomato plants and runner beans need a lot of water at this time of year. So do any flowers you have growing in pots.
Another fun job you can help with is
picking fruit – just don’t eat too much
as you pick! Lots of berries and currants will ripen this month: gooseberries, redcurrants, blackcurrants and raspberries. Plums, nectarines, peaches and apricots are also in season.
When you’ve finished all your gardening jobs, find a lovely cool spot in the shade to rest. If you have two trees that
are close enough together, you could ask an adult to help you put up a hammock, or you could make a canopy instead by tying some string between two trees and hanging a
sheet over it. Put a rug or some cushions under the sheet and you have a
beautiful, cool canopy where you can read a book or have an afternoon snooze – or
relax with a slice of yummy homemade

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