Page 123 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 123

     If you found it hard to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, you could try starting again in September! This month is a time for new beginnings for some religions. It is also time to give thanks for nature’s gift to us of the harvest.
23rd September Mabon or Harvest Festival
The harvest festival is the closest thing we have to a day of thanksgiving in Britain. The word ‘harvest’ comes from the Old English word hærfest meaning ‘autumn’. This was a very important time of year, as the success of the harvest could mean the difference between life
or death for a whole community. In the past, even children had to help bring in the harvest. Then, as soon as it was over, everyone would return from the fields for the harvest supper. This was a huge feast with much singing and laughter.

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