Page 122 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 122

  Why is September Called September?
This month kept its original name from the Roman calendar. September comes from the Latin word septem, which means
‘seven’. September was the seventh
month in the year when the calendar began with March instead of January.
Phases of the Moon in September 2022 First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter
3rd September 10th September 17th September
Constellation of the Month
Cygnus means ‘swan’ in Latin. The Romans took the word from the Greek kyknos. The ancient Greeks had many stories about swans.
One of them was about the tragic
hero Orpheus. He was killed and then transformed into a swan, after which he was placed in the sky. The constellation of Cygnus is quite easy to spot
as it is shaped like a cross. It is in fact sometimes known as the Northern Cross.
New Moon
25th September

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