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P. 129

    Rosehips are the berries that form after the roses have wilted – you must leave the dead flowers on the rose bush if you want the hips, though. If you ‘deadhead’ your roses (i.e. remove the dead roses) you won’t have any hips!
The hips come in all sizes and in a range
of shades of red. They are filled with tiny
seeds and covered with silky hairs, so if
you follow the recipe to make the syrup, you’ll need to strain the liquid through a muslin cloth to get rid of the hairs.
Rosehip syrup is like a cordial that you mix with water to make a tasty drink. As well as being delicious, it has been given as a natural remedy for centuries. It is believed to keep away coughs and colds in winter time.
Even if you don’t have roses at home, you will be able to find wild rosebushes in the woods and hedgerows. You’ll need to wear gloves to stop yourself from being scratched by the thorns on the rosebush. Make sure you pick only the ripest berries that are bright red and slightly soft – these will be the sweetest. As always with foraging wild food, make sure you have checked first that you are picking the right fruit, because some red berries from other plants can be poisonous.

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