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P. 136

   Why is October Called October?
October gets its name from the Latin word octo which means ‘eight’, and was named by the Romans during a time when the calendar year began with March instead of with January as it does now.
The Anglo-Saxon name for this month was Winterfylleth which comes from the words for winter and the full moon.
October Birth Signs
Libra is the birth sign for people born
between 23rd September and 23rd October. Librans are said to have a balanced personality, so the sign looks like old-fashioned weighing scales. Librans are supposed to like peace and harmony.
Scorpio is the birth sign for people
born between 24th October and 21st
November. They are thought to be
brave, passionate and stubborn! They are also said to like the truth and have deep, long-lasting friendships.
The Moon’s a Balloon!
The October full moon is called the Hunter’s Moon. It is also known as the Blood Moon because it can often be a striking red or orange colour. Of course, the colour of the actual moon hasn’t changed! The moon hangs lower in the sky at this time of year, closer to the horizon, and so we are seeing it
through more of the Earth’s atmosphere. The gases around the Earth and the tiny particles in the air affect the way in which we see light. Orange
and red light has longer wavelengths and so these are the colours we see reflected off the moon when it is closer to us.

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