Page 139 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 139

      How about carving your own lantern? These look great as table decorations for a Halloween party or you can leave them outside your house to welcome trick-or-treaters.
How scary can you make your pumpkin lantern? Draw the most monstrous face you can think of and then ask an adult to help you carve out the shapes!
  You will need:
Medium-sized pumpkin Chopping board
Large metal spoon Medium bowl
1 Ask an adult to help you cut a small ‘lid’ off the top of your pumpkin.
2 Use the metal spoon to remove the seeds and scoop out as much of the flesh as you can.
3 Put the flesh in a bowl and put aside. 4 Draw a face on your pumpkin.
  Biro or marker pen
Sharp knife
Tealight 5
  Ask an adult to help you cut out the eyes, nose and mouth.
6 Ask an adult to help you light a
     tealight and put it in your pumpkin.
7 Ask an adult to help you place your pumpkin in a safe position. Turn out all
the lights! Your super scary pumpkin lantern is spookily ready for

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