Page 157 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 157

  Whenever you pick up a pebble on a beach, you are holding the story of Planet Earth in your hand! Pebbles begin as chunks of rock that break off from cliffs, or are brought down to the sea by rivers. Some of them come from man-made things such as glass. Pebbles are formed by the way they are bashed about as they
 fall or the way they are worn smooth by water. Some of them have shiny flecks that glint in the sun. Some are dark and dense. When they are wet, you may see strange and wonderful textures and patterns inside them.
A pebble is a stone that is no larger than a tennis ball and no smaller than a pea. Anything bigger is a stone or rock and anything smaller is gravel, shingle or sand.
Sea glass
Spotted slate
Quartz breccia
Quartz veinstone
Pink feldspar veins

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