Page 159 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 159

   Sometimes during winter walks the weather is not great and you are trudging along in the mud, wishing you were tucked up snug indoors instead. A good idea to make walks more fun is to play games on your way. See if you can get the grown-ups to join in! You are bound to be faster than they are . . .
This is a fun activity to do on a winter walk. You might think that there are not many colours around at this time of the year – after all, there are fewer flowers around now and most of the autumn
leaves have fallen from the trees. It might look quite bleak and bare outside – all brown and grey and boring.
Is it, though? Next time you go for a walk, try this activity. It might change your mind about how boring the natural world looks in winter! You can either complete the activity outside or, if it’s a chilly day, bring your treasures home to finish.

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