Page 160 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 160

    You will need:
Paint chart (free of charge from most DIY stores) Bag or large pockets!
1 Look out for any small items you can find: sticks, stones, nut shells, leaves, wild seed heads, feathers, bark and pine cones.
2 Put these items carefully in your bag or pockets.
3 Once you think you have enough items, find a sheltered place
to stop.
4 Lay the colour chart out on the ground or on a picnic table.
5 Lay the items you have found next to the chart.
6 Look carefully at the chart – can you match your items to the
colours on it?
7 How many different browns, greens, greys, yellows, reds and
oranges have you found? Have you found any other colours?

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