Page 44 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 44

    There are more birds and animals to see in March. Some of them, such as chiffchaffs and wheatears, are visitors from other countries. It will depend where you live in the UK as to whether you are likely to see these birds. Some of them are found only in wetland areas or by the sea.
                 Chiffchaff Sand martin
Chaffinch Wheatear
Sandwich Blackcap tern
Skylark Lapwing
                 Skylarks start singing before the sun rises, so their voice is one of the first to be heard in the dawn chorus. Sadly, the numbers of skylarks are falling in all European countries. It
is thought that this is because crops are now sown in autumn rather than in spring – this means that skylarks no longer have the habitat they need in which to breed and survive.

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