Page 51 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 51

                                                                      ROBERT FROST (1874–1963)
The weather can be so confusing in April, as the quote above suggests: you might look out of the window and see bright sunshine, but when you go outside it might be freezing cold! And then there are those April showers that seem to come without warning, too. Still, without that rain, we wouldn’t see the gorgeous blossom and green shoots that start to come out at this time of year.
The mornings are often very cold in April. Sometimes there are still sharp frosts overnight and you might see white feathers of ice crystals on the grass when you wake up. If you live in the hills, you might also get snow.
But then on other days, there will be a bright burst of hot spring weather and you’ll feel like running around in a T-shirt and shorts! Basically, the best advice to follow is to be prepared for all weathers – so don’t forget to take an umbrella and a jumper out with you this month, even if the sun is shining when you leave the house!

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