Page 53 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 53

    1st April April Fool’s Day
April Fool’s Day is celebrated by people playing tricks on one another. Sometimes there are even April Fool’s Day stories on the news. One of the most famous of these was in 1957 on the BBC television programme Panorama. The programme reported that in Italy there were spaghetti trees! Lots of people believed this because in 1957 not many people in Britain had eaten spaghetti, so they didn’t know that it was made from flour and water and it definitely did not grow on trees . . .
There are a few unofficial rules about April Fool’s Day tricks. The first is to do no harm – after all, the aim is to make someone look and feel silly. The second is that you can only play tricks before midday. If you try to trick someone in the afternoon, you become the fool!
2nd April Ramadan Begins
The month of Ramadan traditionally begins after the new moon, so the date for Ramadan changes from year to year. During Ramadan, Muslims hold a fast during the hours
of daylight, which means they are not allowed to eat or drink from the moment
the sun comes up until the moment it
sets. People must also try not to gossip
or fight during Ramadan. Muslims use the daylight hours to focus on saying prayers and giving money and possessions to charity. Some people try to learn the whole holy book, the Qur’an, during this time!

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