Page 61 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 61

     There’s lots going on in local parks now that the days are longer and lighter. Why not join a park run? You don’t have to be a fast runner, so you can chat as you run if you like! And there’s often a park café nearby where you can go afterwards to have a well-earned snack and drink.
Look at the website to find out where your nearest junior park run is. You will need to ask an adult to help you register online before you join a park run.
If running is not for you, take a scooter, skateboard or bike to the park. Or ask an adult if you can volunteer to walk a dog from your local dogs’ home if there is one near you. (Or walk your own dog, of course!)
Whatever you choose to do, getting outside and breathing in the spring air will make you smile.

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