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P. 65

    Hedgerows are at their most beautiful in May. They are full of wildflowers which attract lots of insects and butterflies. The traditional saying above gives us a good picture of what is going on in nature in May. It is a very busy month for bees! They are working hard to gather nectar to feed on, and while they do this, they are also helping plants to grow through ‘pollination’. So lots of busy bees in May means plenty of yummy fruit and vegetables for us. It’s a good idea to plant wildflowers in your garden or allotment if you can, as this will feed the bees.
   At the beginning of the month there is also an explosion of golden dandelions everywhere. Birds such as goldfinches love the seeds: you’ll see lots of these beautiful birds flocking to nibble the seeds just before the flowers turn into dandelion ‘clocks’.
Why is May Called May?
Nobody knows for sure, but it seems likely that this month was named after the Greek goddess Maia, who was goddess of fertility. Her festival is still celebrated by some people on 15th May.

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