Page 66 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 66

     Phases of the Moon in May 2022
First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter New Moon
9th May 16th May 22nd May 30th May
       Meteor Shower Eta Aquariids
These meteors usually fall sometime between 19th April and 28th May. This year, you should be able to see the shower from the night of 6th May to the morning of 7th May. About 30
meteors will fall each hour. The shower is formed by
particles of dust left behind by Halley’s Comet. This comet has been known about since ancient times and can be seen from
Earth without using a telescope.
If you want to see the meteor shower, you will have to stay up late or get up very early! The best spot to see it from will be a very dark place
from about midnight. The meteors can appear anywhere in the sky.
4th May is Star Wars Day because “May the Fourth” sounds like “May the Force [be with you]”. Many fans rewatch all the Star Wars films on this day!

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