Page 76 - NT 2022 Almanac
P. 76

     Make a River Memory Catcher
This is a fun way to make a walk more interesting, and it’s a great activity to do in any weather. Remember to take the string with you before you head out. When you get home, you can hang your memory catcher in your room!
You will need:
3 sticks of equal length
2.5 m wool, string or garden twine
1 Find three sticks of equal length – they’ll need to be about 30 cm long.
                           2 Tie the sticks together using the wool, string or garden twine to make a triangle.
3 Wind the wool, string or garden twine around the triangle until
you have created a sort of net or spider’s web effect.
                   4 As you walk along the river, see what you can spot – birds, trees, flowers and so on. Then look out for things that you can easily pick up that will remind you of what you have seen – feathers, leaves, petals, even small stones.
5 Slot these into the web of string in your memory catcher – you can tie them in place if you have enough string left over. Try and find as many river walk memories as you can!

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