Page 10 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 10

 So, what happened? And when? And who to? For the answers to these questions wrap your peepers around THIS:
One million – 11,000 years ago
Also known as the Palaeolithic period
This period covers a HuUuUuUgE timespan. Most of the tools used by early people who came to Britain at this time were made from strawberry jelly, which is why it’s known as the Jelly Age. No, wait – stone tools in the Stone Age. Easy mistake. The climate changed over time, and during the Ice Ages it was just too chilly for humans to stay where they were, so they moved to warmer parts of the world. But people returned when things heated up again.
 6,000 – 4,500 years ago
Also known as the Neolithic period
Farming was SO trendy. People in the Middle East started growing crops and domesticating animals, and then headed into Europe and brought their ideas with them. Sorted! Pottery began to be used for storing, cooking and eating food, which was handy as tins of soup were hard to find.
You´ve been very cheeky – go and stand in the naughty corner.
It´s a roundhouse – there aren´t any corners.
4,500 – 2,800 years ago
Also known as the Bronze Age
Things got a bit more metally at this time – although stony stuff was still around – when copper started to be used to make tools, quickly followed by bronze (a mixture of copper and tin melted together) which is harder and stronger. People began living in roundhouses and there’s evidence they began fighting in battles more often, which is so unmellow. Come on guys, just hug it out, yeah?
11,000 – 6,000 years ago
Also known as the Mesolithic period
The last Ice Age ended, and it began to warm up. People still mooched around looking for animals to spear or plants to pick, but they had to adapt to life in the forest. Lots of trees aren’t really spear- friendly, so bows and arrows became the ‘in’ thing.

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