Page 12 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 12
Clothes and hairstyles
Life can be SOOOO complicated sometimes. Even choosing what to wear can make your poor little brain panic.
Do you go for the clockwork musical trainers with the purple leggings and the SpArKlY UnIcOrN T-shirt or the red welly boots with the stripy yellow trousers, the neon green cardigan and the ToP HaT? Decisions, decisions, decisions.
But if you think YoU’vE GoT iT BaD, don’t be a sillybob daftypants. At least you hAvE a choice. Back in the Stone Age your ‘choice’ was animal skins, animal skins or a tracksuit. Only joking – it was more animal skins.
I like your new hat. Where did you get it?
A mammoth´s bottom.
Having said that, our earliest ancestors in the hot climate of Africa would have worn the grand total of NoThInG. Well, very little at least. And particularly if you were a child back then, you would have likely been wandering around most of the time with not even a pair of sWiMmInG tRuNkS on to cover up!
But as early species of humans moved northwards into the colder climate of Europe and what is now Britain, they needed actual clothes to stop their BoTtOmS from turning into blocks of ice and falling off and sHaTtErInG on a rock.