Page 14 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 14

  As the years passed – and when we say years, we mean A LOT of years (think tens of thousands) – clothing became more sophisticated.
Bronze gradually started to be used for all kinds of things, which meant people got a whole new wardrobe . . . made entirely of bronze! Bronze sweatshirts, bronze jeans, bronze trainers – the lot. Looked great, but it was so heavy noone could move anywhere.
OK, maybe clothes WeReN’T made from bronze, but they had changed to some degree by the time of the Bronze Age. Animal skins and furs were still used, particularly for the likes of shoes and hats as well as leather belts, but wool and other materials were used much more often.
If your dad went down to his local Bronze Age clothes boutique for some flash new threads, he’d probably come out with something like the following:
These shoes are GREAT! As long as I stay in exactly the same place and don´t want to go anywhere at all.
  Come back here, sheep! I want to turn you into a pair of pants!
A sheepskin cap with the tail still attached; a cloak; a knee- length, woollen, kilt-like wrap that took ages to weave; woollen underwear (still keeping those ancient bottoms warm); deerskin shoes; and a leather belt. If he had a sword, he might have it hanging from his belt in a wooden sheath.
So, if your pop starts swanning about town with a sword and his hat goes “BaAaA!”, just have a quick check to make sure he’s not actually a time traveller from the Bronze Age.
Baaa-ck off you baaa-d man!

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