Page 23 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 23

  Fast forward to the Iron Age and life was becoming increasingly fighty as tribes came to blows over good land and resources.
To keep safe, people started gathering together in or around hill forts. What is a hill fort? It’s a fort. On a hill. Clue’s in the title, folks.
These forts were usually surrounded by huge ditches and ramparts made from enormous amounts of earth piled up into mounds. These were designed to protect the people inside from attack and keep their farm animals safe. If a pig did get hurt in a battle, it would have to be taken away in a hAmBuLaNcE and given some oInKmEnT. And yes, that joke HaS been around for 3,000 years.
  At this time, families mainly lived in round houses made from wattle and daub with thatched roofs. Meals would be cooked in a cauldron on the central fireplace, with food kept in pots around the walls.
Yoinks! Let´s get out of here!
It´s at times like this I REALLY wish I was a goose.
And when it was time to turn in for the night (in the same room as everyone else, so say goodbye to privacy), you’d go to sleep in a bed made from straw covered with animal skins.
You’d have plenty of company as you nodded off – your straw and skin bed would have likely been crawling with lots of lovely friendly beasties! Good night, sleep tight – don’t let the bed bugs bite!
 The home

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