Page 22 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 22
Houses in the Bronze Age were more permanent than skin-covered tents and less bearish than caves.
By that time, people were growing food and keeping animals on farms much more, so they had to stay put in one place rather than follow wild animals around.
Your house smells weird.
Homes were usually circular with a single room and walls made from either dry stones or wattle and daub. Wattle is a panel of woven branches set between posts stuck in the ground to create a wall, while daub is a mixture of things like aNiMaL dUnG, clay, lime, HoRsEhAiR or straw that is smeared over the wattle.
The doorways of many houses faced east, towards the rising sun. This would allow the dark, windowless home to be lit
up naturally every morning, so no need for an alarm clock. Only problem is it’s much harder to hit
the snooze button on the sun.
Hmmm, it´s either that new air freshener I just bought or the fact the walls are made from poo.
Inside, a fireplace would be the main part of the home, where all the cooking would happen, as well as providing heat and light. It’s also where people would gather to share gossip, laugh and tell stories when there was nothing good on the telly.
The air would have been smoky, although most of the smoke would rise up into the roof, which was thatched with straw or turf. This had the bonus effect of killing off the creepy crawlies up there. Please dO NoT try this at home if you spot a tiny fly on the ceiling.