Page 39 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 39

A tea made from the tansy flower was used to get rid of WoRmS in your guts, while the weird-sounding FiGwOrT was used for healing cuts. Try asking for that from the school nurse next time you get a paper cut.
 Tansies? RUUUUN!
I can´t run – I´m a worm!
  As far as plants are concerned some of them would have worked in treating certain illnesses, while others would have been as much use as a pair of chocolate underpants.
Must ask for less gravel and more cheese next time.
Basically, if you came down with anything nasty in prehistoric times, you could either get better due to good plants or good luck rather than any medical cures that we’d recognise. And if you were really ill, the outlook wasn’t rosy.
Maybe a little cold isn’t so bad after all. Just make sure you’re sitting down when you sneeze so your brain doesn’t get out.
The teeth of prehistoric skeletons are often very worn down. This is because little bits of grit and sand were included in the flour ground on stone quernstones. Is this why we call two bits of bread and a filling a SANDwich? Errrr, no. It isn't. Some tooth problems would have led to infections and then . . . DEATH! Hurrah for dentists.
  Health and medicine

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