Page 42 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 42
One of the places where people may have come together for meetings or worship are the stone circles that can still be seen today. The most famous of these is Stonehenge.
There are around 1,000 stone circles in Britain, but what was going on at these places? There were definitely gatherings, feasting and burials of people and objects, but it’s also possible that the circles were connected to worship of some kind and regarded as sacred places over the many generations they were in use.
Many of the circles are built in such a way that they are aligned to the winter and summer solstice (the shortest and longest days of the year). That and the fact the biggies took thousands of people hundreds of years to build means they were super-important in a very meaningful way.
Hey guys! Anyone fancy building another massive stone circle?
Ummm . . . I have an important appointment with my Druid about gut worms.
Sorry, I´m washing my knees for the next 300 years.