Page 63 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 63

2. Feel you have to throw a sword in a pond before you buy a raffle ticket at the school fair to try to make sure you win? YeS/nO
3. Have to choose between a woolly mammoth pie and a bog butter sandwich for lunch every day at school? YeS/nO
Hello, what seems to be the problem?
It´s my butter, it´s just not BOGGY enough.
If you answered mainly nO, then congratulations – life is relatively good, and you can proudly wear a T-shirt that says: ‘I have it better than a prehistoric kid’.
If you answered mainly YeS, then you need to have a SeRiOuS talk with your parents about moving to a new era as soon as possible – you may accidentally be living several thousand years ago.
But let’s face it, chances are you haven’t got it as bad as kids back then. So say a quick “hUrRaH!” and stop that grumbling.
  Still think you've got it bad?

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