Page 61 - SYTYGIB Prehistoric Times
P. 61

No more of Dad smearing himself in blue gunk – your parents would have been sipping French wine and eating fish sauce from Spain while enjoying hearing Greek myths. And you would probably have lived in a swanky townhouse or, even more posh, a villa in the country, complete with stunning floor mosaics, frescoes painted on the walls and beautiful pottery on display.
At last – we have writing! Now people can write really AMAZING books about our lives 2,000 years from now!
I hope we get a mention in it!
Unlike deep history when nothing was recorded, details of life under Roman rule and beyond were now written down.
History had begun – and it’s still going on now.
That’s right . . . YoU’rE HiStOrY!
  The beginning of written history

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