Page 109 - Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
P. 109

A banta mrooster
A Child’s Drea m(Extract)
A Cock Can Crow
A dogsleeping
A Fly
Agrey morning
a marshhawk
A Memory
A Memoryof Kenya
a momentbetween
A Narrow Fellowinthe Grass
A Picture ofthe Rooster
APoemAbouta Wolf MaybeTwo Wolves
A Puzzled Python
A Racketeering Crowd
A Wolf...
Aardvark, The
Aboutthe Teeth of Sharks
262 Bear Went Overthe Mountain, The 112
23 Bee 154
263 BeeSong 177
248 Bee’s Knees, The 202
69 Bees Cannot Fly 155
30 Besidethe Line of Elephants 246
21 Besidetheroad 200
291 Big Black Bear 73
125 Bird Sips Water 87
251 BirdSong(Extract) 32
163 BlackSwan 219
263 Bleak midwinter 59
221 BlueBird,The 46
80 Boa,The 266
140 Buffalo Dusk 216
276 Bumblebee 176
184 Butterflies 222
188 Butterfly 222
89 Butterfly 238
Aesthetic Curiosity 275
Allthelong day
Alligator, The
An Aukin Flight
An Elephantis Born
Anaconda, The
Ani mal Fair, The
Answertoa Child’s Question
Ant, The
A nteater
A nteater
Apple Don’t Fall Far Fro mthe Tree, The
Arctic Fox, The
Arctic Vixen
Atthe Botto m ofthe Garden
Awake, Asleep
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Baby Chick
Baby Orangutan
Barracuda, The
Bat Words
Batsat Evening
110 Careful! 157
92 Cat 37
33 CatBegan 36
158 Catinthe Dark 293
50 Caterpillar Lunch 193
106 Cats 272
110 Centipede’s Dile m ma, The 50
56 Chanttothe Firefly 217
57 Chimpanzee 134
57 Chipmunk’sDay,The 264
257 City Bees 126
302 Cock-crow 262
303 Codfish, The 108
228 Commas 100
72 Cormorant,The 251
Cows 132
62 Crab 174
95 Crab Dance 270
61 Crickets 203
189 Cross Porpoises 34
119 Crow,The 73
259 Crowonthefence 290
196 Cub,The 15

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