Page 110 - Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
P. 110
Dartford Warbler 225
Day Out 280
Dia mond Rattlesnake 194
Dothe Snuffaround 284
Dog 268
Dog, The 23
Dogs 285
Donkey, The 304
Doves of Da mascus, The 226
Dusk, The 212
Eagle 149
Eagle, The 190
Easter 94
Goat 133
Golden Bird, The 141
Gorillas 107
Grandpa Bear’s Lullaby 42
Grasshopperandthe Elephant, The 178
Grasshoppers 144
GreenStems 145
Grey Geese 254
Grey Gooseand Gander 255
Grey Wolf 20
Grizzly Bear 148
Ground Hog Day 43
Guppy,The 211
El e p h a nt
Elephant, The
Elephant, The
Elephant Eternity
Even withinsects
Ever heard
Every I nsect
Firefliesinthe Garden
First Sight
FirstSwallow, The(Extract)
Fis h
Fis hes
Five Little Bears
Flower-Fed Buffaloes, The
Flying Fish
Four Horses, The
Foxes playing
Gazelle Calf, The
Giraffe, The
278 Halfofthe minnows 211
247 Hare 151
85 HaresatPlay 150
178 Harvest Mouse 205
85 Hawk 207
196 Hedgehog, The 228
185 Hedgehog Hugs 153
56 Here Co methe Bears 113
Hippo 190
129 HippoWritesaLovePoemtoHisWife 77
231 Hippopota mus, The 245
98 Hippopota muses 244
62 Hoopoe, The 179
83 Horse,The 26
109 HowDoth... 77
34 How Doththe Little Busy Bee 177
256 Ho w Much Wood Would a Woodchuck Chuck 43
135 HowtoBeaMole 70
217 Hummingbird 222
130 Hummingbird,The 154
201 HummingbirdsandBees 155
147 Hyena,The 157
182 Iheareverything 118
183 INeverKnew 229
79 I WatchedanEagleSoar 46
78 Ifthe Octopus... 97
198 IfYouShouldMeetaCrocodile 76
199 Iguana Me mory 51
198 I’maYellow-BillDuck 218