Page 16 - How to Help a Hedgehog
P. 16
Hedgerow species fact file
6–9 cm
Hazel dormouse
A small, golden-coloured rodent with big eyes and a long, fluffy tail. It is
a fantastic climber and its favourite food is hazelnuts.
There are around 26 species of dormouse!
There are around 1,300 species of stag beetle in the world!
Stag beetle
The adult male uses its big, antler-like jaws for fighting. Its young, called ‘beetle grubs’, live in old trees and rotting wood. They can take up to seven years to become adults.
Some lizards drop off their tails if they are caught by predators.
24–29 cm
Turtle dove
A small and dainty bird, best known for the soft purring noise it makes. It migrates to Africa in the winter months to escape the cold.
A loud, grey bird with a stripy chest. It tricks other birds into raising its chicks by laying its eggs in their nests. Cheeky cuckoos!
110 g
32–34 cm
Common lizard
A brown lizard often spotted basking in the sun. Males have an orange tummy with black spots. Instead of laying eggs, the females give birth to live babies.
Attach nestboxes to trees for hazel dormice to snuggle up in during the day.
Unlike bird boxes, dormouse nestboxes have entrance holes facing the tree which reduces the chances that birds will try to
use the box too.