Page 17 - How to Help a Hedgehog
P. 17
How you can help
Take part in online nature surveys with the People’s Trust for Endangered Species. In the ‘Great Stag Hunt’ you can look for stag beetles and record your sightings.
Have fun exploring your local hedgerows to see what species you can spot. Perhaps there might be a chance for you and your family to grow a wildlife-friendly hedge in your own garden.
Do what you can to spread the word at school. You could set up a club to care for local habitats or even invite an expert to teach you more about your favourite species.
Leave out piles of logs
so lizards can hibernate under them to stay warm and survive through the winter months.
Hollow stems, like bamboo canes, or holes drilled into wood, make good hiding spots for bees and ladybirds
Build insect hotels out of recycled wood to put in your local hedgerows.
A roof will keep everything dry!
Beetles, spiders and woodlice all love to hide between pine cones and twigs.