Page 4 - Schmidt Yearbook 2023-2
P. 4

Ein großes Danke an alle meine Kolleginnen, Kollegen und              Dear students, parents, staff,
                                                             Mitarbeiter, die jeden Tag neu das Gesicht unserer Schule             and friends of Schmidt-Schule !
                                                             sind! Danke auch an Sie als Eltern, die uns engagiert zur
                                                             Seite stehen. Danke an den Deutschen Verein vom Heiligen              I am happy and proud to see that another successful year of our school
                                                             Lande und alle Unterstützer in Deutschland, die verlässlich           lies behind us, and I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all
                                                             und segensreich zum Wohl der Schule mitwirken.                        for your efforts. Schmidt-School, that is foremost you – your energy, your
                                                             In das Gelingen verliebt sein, dass wünsche ich uns allen!            commitment, and your success to make this an outstanding educational
                                                                                                                                   institution in Jerusalem.
                                                             Dass sich dies nicht nur in unseren Abschlüssen zeigt, sondern
                                                             auch Teil unseres täglichen Schulalltags und unserer Schmidt-         Schmidt-School has always been a flagship for high-quality education,
                                                             Schule DNA ist, davon zeugt dieses Jahrbuch.                          not only concerning academic standards, but also in developing
                                                                                                                                   the character and personalities of our girls to equip them with the
                                                             Viel Freude beim Verfolgen dieser Spuren!                             knowledge and tools they today need to shape their future of tomorrow.
                                                                                                                                   We want them to be self-determined actors, not victims of their lives.
                                                                                                                                   Our school is unique in the Holy City, offering a German Abitur besides
                                                                                                                                   the traditional Tawjihi, with a focus on the German language. Hence
                                                             “To follow a trail” is the linguistic root of the                     our students are well equipped to continue their studies either in the
                                                             German word “Lernen”.
                                                                                                                                   country, in Germany or in any other country.
                                                             Learning: this happens particularly in the family and at              School is an important part of life, and twelve years seem a long time.
                                                             school. And school is an expert - not only for learning in            But let me advise you, as the Romans said: “Carpe diem”, “seize the
                                                             mathematics, science, languages and sport, but also for               day”, meaning to use the given time well. Time and life are like a river,
                                                             being on the journey with others. This requires not only effort       a continuous flow of events you stand in midst of, but it never stops
                                                             and perseverance, but also understanding and compassion               and cannot be turned back. We want to encourage the young people
                                                             for others.
          Vorwort Jahrbuch                                                                                                         we work with to use their time well, to have the courage to follow their
                                                             After  all, it’s about  following  a  trail:  Understanding           dreams, and work towards making them reality.
                                                             something. Transforming information - traces - into meaning           Allow me to add a few words in Arabic for our graduates:
          „Einer Spur folgen“, das ist die sprachgeschichtliche Wurzel   and significance. And to set out and be on a journey.
          des deutschen Wortes „Lernen“.                     As Schmidt-Schule, we want to accompany our students and
          Lernen: Das geschieht besonders in der Familie und in der   their families on this journey. We are convinced that this is
          Schule. Und die Schule ist Experte – nicht nur für das Lernen   best achieved when school, parents and pupils work closely
          in Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Sprachen, Sport,   together in a spirit of cooperation and trust.
          sondern auch für das Unterwegs sein mit anderen. Da ist   On the following pages, you can see what this can look like                                                             َ
          nicht nur Anstrengung und Ausdauer gefragt, sondern auch   in practical terms.                                                                               َّ نكيديأ يف  َّ نكتايحَو ، َّ نكمامأ لَبقتسُملا
          Verständnis und Mitgefühl für andere.                                                                                                                                !حينم اهوشيع
                                                             I would like to mention two things in particular at this point:
          Denn es geht ja darum, einer Spur zu folgen: Etwas zu   I am very delighted that we have been able to restart our                                                َ           َ
          verstehen. Informationen – Spuren – umzuwandeln in Sinn   exchange programs this school year: Schmidt students have                                       نكلإ رارقلا مويلا نِم ،لملأاَو لمعلاّو  ِّ بحلاب ِ
          und Bedeutung. Und sich dabei aufzumachen und unterwegs   been on tour in Germany and students from Germany have                                                     ّ نكفيل َ ح حاجنلاو
          zu sein.                                           been our guests here in Jerusalem.
          Als Schmidt-Schule wollen wir dabei unsere Schülerinnen   And I am proud that we were able to award 41 graduates                             With my best wishes for you all in the name of the Schmidt-School Board!
          und ihre Familien begleiten. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass   their school-leaving certificates this school year, 25 of whom
          dies am besten gelingt, wenn Schule, Eltern und Schülerinnen   passed the German Abitur. That is a new record!
          eng zusammenarbeiten.
                                                             A big thank you to all my colleagues and our employees who
          Wie das konkret aussehen kann, das sehen Sie auf den   are the face of our school every day! Thank you also to our
          folgenden Seiten.                                  parents, who are committed to supporting us. Thank you to
          Zwei Dinge möchte ich an dieser Stelle besonders nennen:   the German Association of the Holy Land, which works so
          Es freut mich sehr, dass wir in diesem Schuljahr unsere   faithfully and beneficially for the good of the school. I wish
          Austauschprogramme  wieder  starten  konnten:  Schmidt-  us all to be in love with success!
          Schülerinnen waren in Deutschland unterwegs und    This yearbook also bears witness to the fact that this is not
          Schülerinnen aus Deutschland hier bei uns in Jerusalem zu   only reflected in our school success stories but is also part of
          Gast.                                              our everyday school life and our Schmidt-Schule DNA.

          Und ich bin stolz darauf. dass wir in diesem Schuljahr   I hope you enjoy following these traces as you flip through                                          DDr. Michaela Richter
          41 Absolventinnen  ihre Abschlusszeugnisse  überreichen   the pages!
          konnten, von denen 25 das Abitur gemacht haben. Das ist                                                                                                        Jerusalem, September 2023
          ein neuer Rekord!                                                                                                                                              Chair of the School Board
                                                                                          Dirk Poppendieker

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